Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is a test post using ScribeFire from Firefox 3.0

ScribeFire is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox Web Browser that integrates with your browser to let you easily post to your blog. It allows you to drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, and post to your blog directly using ScribeFire.

ScribeFire currently supports the following services:

In addition to the hosted services mentioned above, ScribeFire also supports custom blogging platforms which are usually blogging software hosted on your own server.

The currently supported blogging platforms are:

As mentioned above, any blogging software or blogging platform that implements the MetaWeblog API is implicitly supported by ScribeFire.

It's certainly very simple to use and could be very useful for composing technology related blog posts where a lot of the information is gleaned off of the web.

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