FixMyMovie Is CSI For The Rest Of Us!
If you've ever watched TV shows like CSI, where they can take a really cruddy piece of video or a blurry still image and enhance it so that it looks soooo much better, then this is exactly what FixMyMovie can do for you.

FixMyMovie is a video sharing site powered by MotionDSP's video enhancement technology, which is designed to improve video taken from mobile phones, digital cameras and security cameras and is actively marketed for video forensics. Like most of these online conversion services, you upload the source material, it'll do a preview conversion of the first 10 seconds that you can compare against the original. If you like the results, you can go ahead and order a full conversion. You can also extract high-res still images from the converted movie if you wish.
Being a sharing site, it'll allow you to share your enhanced video with friends via e-mail but they plan to allow you to embed the movie in a web-site or blog as well. You can also download the finished movie in H264 QuickTime, Windows Media or Flash formats.
It's designed to be a paid-for service once it's out of beta but they're giving away the equivalent of $25 worth of processing to beta sign-ups.

FixMyMovie is a video sharing site powered by MotionDSP's video enhancement technology, which is designed to improve video taken from mobile phones, digital cameras and security cameras and is actively marketed for video forensics. Like most of these online conversion services, you upload the source material, it'll do a preview conversion of the first 10 seconds that you can compare against the original. If you like the results, you can go ahead and order a full conversion. You can also extract high-res still images from the converted movie if you wish.
Being a sharing site, it'll allow you to share your enhanced video with friends via e-mail but they plan to allow you to embed the movie in a web-site or blog as well. You can also download the finished movie in H264 QuickTime, Windows Media or Flash formats.
It's designed to be a paid-for service once it's out of beta but they're giving away the equivalent of $25 worth of processing to beta sign-ups.
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