Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Photoshop Going Online

Picked up from an article on c|net are plans for Adobe to take Photoshop, their flagship image editor, online as a hosted application.

In an interview with Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen, he stated that they intend to offer a hosted version of Photoshop within the next three to six months as part of a larger move to introduce online services to broaden the company's reach into the consumer market.

The service is set to be a free, entry-level version of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements with revenue coming from online advertising. This isn't a first for Adobe as they're already offering Adobe Remix, an online and cut down version of Adobe Premiere Elements, free to Photobucket customers. They have plans to extend this business model to include other Adobe applications like Adobe Lightroom and even hybrids if appropriate.

Chizen was also emphatic that these cut-down versions won't stint on quality and they intend to ensure that they are of a higher quality than competing free products like Google's Picasa.

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